Friday 31 May 2019


Hello everyone,

Almost there everyone! Children, remember to pack your case yourself so you know what is in it and know how many socks you have taken.  Writing a list so you know what clothes you have taken makes sense and is a good way to keep organised - it is an early start on Friday.

Buddy tops are required for travelling - so please ensure you have yours on Monday morning.

In your school bag/back pack - you should have: your packed lunch, your water bottle, a spare change of clothes, a flannel/face cloth

Remember not to pack your money or medication, keep them in a handy place to give them to your teacher when you arrive.

Remember to say thank you and goodbye to your parents when you are dropped off as they will miss you a lot.  Have a good weekend - sleep and eat well!  All done - we will see you around 9am on Monday. 

Lagganlia Review Night

Click on the link below for 4 more videos