Thursday 24 May 2018

Day 4 - Lagganlia Trip

Good evening

It has been another beautiful day down here again! Lots of sunshine and warm again although it has been quite windy too. I can't believe it's the last day of activities already. It's been another quick week.

Group 1 - Mr Peace

Today we did 2 gorge walks. One big one and one small one. For the big one, we wore a wet suit and a buoyancy aid. For the small one we wore a jumper and waterproofs with wellies. We got to slide down waterfalls and swim in the river. The water was very cold but it was a really hot day. 

On the big one we were jumping off rocks.During the second gorge, we went on loads of different slides. At the end, we went on this massive one. It was a really big drop.

by Beth, Callum and Declan

Group 2 - Mrs McNeish

Thursday, by Rebecca, Ronnie and Dylan on behalf of Group 2

Today we got our bike helmets and gloves and got a bike and we drove over and cycled around the Cairngorm forest next to Loch Morlich.  The first bit of the cycle ride was uphill, tiring and depressing.  Dylan found it very boring but it was worth it.  Rebecca found the hill tiring but after that it got easier.  She saw a red squirrel!  Ronnie saw something that looked like a tarantula.  The cycling was very bumpy.  We got to cycle through a bit of water and it cooled our feet off.  We finished our cycle at the beach at Loch Morlich.  A couple of us went for ice cream.  Ronnie liked his so much he bought another one.  The beach was very warm and sunny and the sand was nice on your feet.  Rebecca found it spiky.

Canoes were waiting for us on the beach and we played some games to get used to using the paddles.  We put life vests on and Jon had to tie all the canoes together as a raft because it got too windy for us to manage by ourselves.  We paddled past a blue barrel, past some speed boats and reached our destination at the other side of the loch.  The paddling was tiring, wet and sore.  Dylan saw a dead fish.  We got a really nice view of a really big mountain with some snow on it.  It was called Cairngorm and it was the sixth biggest mountain in the UK. 

After we landed we got fruit pastilles, then we tipped the water out the canoes and loaded them in the trailer.  Then we got to jump in and the water was warm in some places.  Ronnie found the water manky (but Mrs McNeish would like to reassure everyone it was actually very fresh).  The jumping in was fun!

It has been one of the best weeks of our lives.  Dylan and Ronnie have jumped off the highest rock they’ve ever jumped off.  We have had a brilliant week but looking forward to going home.  Rebecca is looking forward to her bed and Ronnie is hoping to go pier jumping.  Dylan is excited about going home but he’d also like to stay a bit longer. 

Group 3 - Mrs Coltherd

Today was probably one of the toughest days for everyone. We were going to do an all day Munro climb. The weather was hot and sunny so we had to layer on the sun cream. We left at 10am and headed off to the first Munro. We started off in the forest then slowly headed up towards Sgor Goaith. The views were pretty stunning but we were getting hot and sweaty. By 12.30 we stopped to have our lunch and filled up our water bottles from the fresh water stream that ran down the hill. We layered on the sun cream again and headed off upwards once more. We reached the first Munro then headed for the next one. The views from there were fantastic once again and we finally had our cake supplied by the centre. We now had to head back down which was pretty tough but we managed. We walked about 14km and got back to the centre at just before 5pm. All in all this was a real challenge but our group didn’t complain, worked incredibly hard and were pretty pleased with themselves. 

Group 4 - Miss Coltherd

This morning we went canoeing on Loch Insh. For this afternoon we went to the Feshie gorge walk.

We lifted the canoes as a team and we put them into the water. First we paddled to a dead tree. Then we found 100 year old mugs from monks. After that we paddled around an island and we went back to the shore. This afternoon we went to Feshie River for the gorge walk. First we walked there and then we walked into the freezing water. Then we swam about and climbed some stones. When we got to the top we jumped into deeper water. Then we jumped off some higher stones and went down some rapids. Today was fantastic.

By Wiktor, Adam and Stewart

Group 5 - Mr MacKinnon

Last night all the groups did an activity called the Night line, where we were all blindfolded. we had to hold on to a length of rope, we then had to walk for a bit, we then got to an obstacle course which was very interesting. The worst part was how everyone was shouting.

Today we went canoeing it was kind off hard because some groups didn’t know what to do.  Canoeing was difficult than all the other activities for we were not using our legs.  We had super fun and saw ducks and ducklings. 

When we did the Gorge (we went to the river Feshie) we all fell over because of the movement of the water.  There were two jumps you could do, each with two stages, lowest, medium and highest.  It was really high and awesome because the water went in your nose.  We also slid down some of the currents which was fun.  Troys screams really loud. 

Lagganlia’s been really fun.  Thanks and goodbye to our instructor Simon. 

By Stephen, Troy and Victoria

Group 6 - Miss Spence

Amelie:  Today my group went on a short walk to a newer outdoor climbing wall where we took a side route to the top of the wall and had our lunch.  Then once all the ropes and mechanics were set up we went to the bottom.  Though I have some experience in climbing, I haven’t climbed for a couple of years and was a bit rusty.  But when I got into the swing of things I had a fantastic time and the views were amazing.

After we did climbing we went on a wild walk through the forest with only a compass and map to guide us.  When we got to our destination, a gorgeous loch surrounded by trees and mountains, we had a snack and the brave (idiotic) ones of us got into the cold loch and had a splash around.  Since it was such a lovely day, by the time we got back to the van, natures natural drying (the sun) had made us completely dry again.  All in all it has been a brilliant day inside an incredible week.

Logan:  Today we went climbing.  The walk to the cliff was long but fun.  We had to carry lots of gear.  We also walked through heather for about half an hour to get to the loch.  We splashed about for a bit and then we went back to the bus.  It was very nice weather, a lot of sun cream was needed!  I thought it was a fun way to end Lagganlia.  The weather was amazing, it made everyone happy.  I also think I did well in the climbing.

Harriet:  Today we went climbing but before that we went to the top of a hill and had lunch it was a really nice view.  After that we went and climbed down off the hill. One was quite easy for me and the other was quite hard, but fun.

After that we went to a loch and we did our daily diary and then we jump in the loch. It was really cold but fun.  On the way back was the worst because I was wearing shorts and we walked back and I had lots of scratches on my legs because we were going through heather.

Lagganlia Review Night

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