Thursday 6 June 2019

Thrilling Thursday

                                                               The Birthday Girls

Another action packed day here at Lagganlia. It started at 7.30am when the adults visited the Birthday girls to sing Happy Birthday. Two birthday girls sharing the same room and birthday. What a coincidence! Chocolate cake for tea the night!!

Group 1

Well, we have had our final activity day - and it ended up being UNEXPECTED but awesome. We were going canoeing ALL DAY so we had to get ready. Equipment got put on, we had to make 2 trips to the mini bus. Someone in our group had a BIRTHDAY so we sang Happy Birthday to them THREE TIMES. The place we headed to was the 'Spey Valley Golf Course' because that's where the river was! The groups had to learn how to hold a paddle and learn the safety signals. After that we put our canoes in the water. Most of us got in without falling - that's when we learned how to 'rescue' someone by pulling them up by their buoyancy aid.

We really enjoyed the canoeing especially singing ' Pirates of the Caribbean' whilst zooming down the river - we did have a spectacular capsize! Lots of people got stuck under the trees  - backwards!! Mrs Coltherd accidentally attempted to capsize her 'crew' but thankfully she landed on her feet up to her waist in water (the phone and camera were both fine)

We also had a brilliant rescue team. They did 6 or 7 rescues and 3 tows. They also had to paddle upstream. We got to the end of the journey when we saw a big bridge and some large rocks in 'rapids' We had reached Boat of Garten.

We had finally made it to the end and had to lift the canoes up the super muddy slope and help tidy up all the equipment. Once we got sorted we drove back to the centre. Several people fell asleep in the mini bus.

We've had a great week. A big thank you to our instructor Kris and the whole Lagganlia staff.

Group 2

Today was VERY WET!! In the morning Gemma was woken up by the Papdale staff singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her and she was given a card signed by everyone. We got ready for canoeing. It was quite hard to steer but we got there with a lot of teamwork (and shouting!) It was hard when we all stood up in the boat and then on the sides of the boat. After we ate Freddo frogs for a snack, Gemma managed to skim a stone six times. At the end most people decided that they didn’t want to stay dry so they ran and belly flopped in the water.

In the afternoon we went kayaking in the pond. It was also hard to steer, but we improved. When we stood up Kuba was the only person not to fall in. We had to paddle to a little island and pull our kayaks out. Next we got to slide down the bank into the water. Finally we got to swim to the island.

Rafa was the best instructor and gave us some great fudge!

Final thoughts about Laggenlia:
Elsie Mae – It was totally amazing.
Jerry – It was cold, wet but fun.
Millar – The kayaking was the best.
Chloe – Gorge walking and kayaking were my favourite activities and I’m going to miss Rafa.
Erin – My favourite activities were kayaking, snowboarding, mountain biking and abseiling as they were all fun.
Kuba – My favourite bit was the kayaking as it was easiest.
Heddle – I enjoyed the wet activities.
Makayla – Today was really fun.

Gemma – I had a good birthday.

Group 3

Last night we did a Night Line. We were all blindfolded and had helmets on. We had to hold on to a rope and do an obstacle course through the forest. It was hard but we worked as a team and finished it. It was great fun.

Then on Thursday morning we met up with Stew (our instructor). He told us we were going ducking. That is a rubber inflatable raft. We were in teams of three or two. We had to paddle from Aviemore to Boat of Garten, which is 10 km, down the fast flowing River Spey. We had to go through fast rapids. It was exciting and thrilling or in group three terms “Bricktastic!” We’ve has a great week of fun with our instructor, Stew.

Group 4 
Another gloriously wet day again for us but as usual it didn’t stop us in group 4 we are, like the rest of the team, hardy to the weather. Our half day activities today were skiing in the morning and canoeing on Loch Insh with a good view of the osprey nest and the bird of prey itself flying around. Here are our words for today...
Bailey - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Being with friends and all that together - views were breathtaking, being excited, happy tears and scary.
Presley - hypothermia! Today I couldn’t feel my legs especially when we went swimming at the end and he water went down your back and hard to go underwater.  There were challenges liking swapping places in the boats and forfeits for those who came last - dunk your head in the water and say sorry to the fish, put your head in the water and flick it and say I’m worth it and the third is stand up and do the titanic pose saying I’m king of the world.
Dillon - coldtoday in canoeing I put my head in the water as a forfeit just for fun.  Walking in at the end for swimming it was really cold. Skiing was fun and I liked stopping in the pizza shape. 
Daniel - exhaustingpaddling in the canoes was hard I was at the back steering everyone. There was a lot of splashing from my teammates and couldn’t see where I was going.
Tam - soggy, at the end of the canoeing get very wet and cold. I kept swimming and went right under.  We couldn’t feel our body parts! 
Sophie - freezingcanoeing, when we went in the water at the end because we love it so much but this time we only had our own clothes and therefore were really freezing!  
Izzy - ahhhhhh! I heard this so much today both on the ski slope and on the canoeing trip also. It was another great day. 
Jayden - funny, in skiing we kept falling over and bashing into each other. I just helped getting Sophie up when someone bashed into me! Canoeing had lots of funny times too.  
Alex - difficult, I have been skiing before but had to walk up the hill to the top to get back down before we started the button tow.  Canoeing was hard also as we kept bashing into each other. It was hard to not bash into each other and make sure you were all going the same way all the time!

Something I learnt or been surprised about myself...
Dillon - that I can ski 
Bailey - that I can ski and canoe
Izzy - that I can use the ski tow and could go up it
Presley - at the end I could jump on my ski at the end of my run down the hill, also I don’t usually like muddy water, being cold, scared of fish/ducks or like being wet but this week has been great!
Jayden - sliding down on the gorge walks
Alex - kayak, didn’t know I could do that
Tam - didn’t know how bit an osprey was, and being able to ski and canoe
Sophie - ride a mountain bike up the hill
Daniel - I can steer a boat

Something I leant or been surprised about others...
People were lending hands and did good teamwork
Jayden did the abseiling even though it was hard for him
Alex could ski so well  that he didn’t crash into anyone 
Tam was good at kayaking
That Presley can say 60 likes in 7 minutes

Team 4 were a credit to both themselves, our school and their instructor.  Most years the teams do so well but this year particularly they have gelled well and really worked as a team.  It truly has been a year to remember right down to their catchy review advert for Lagganlia song. So many highlights much more than we can share here, hopefully they can share more in person, especially Mrs Teamwork Bailey! It has been a true pleasure this week team - Mrs Dufort

Group 5

Today we went mountain biking. The tracks were muddy, slidy and slippery. We went through lots of puddles and nearly fell off the tree roots. Scrutts (the best instructor – ever!) told us to brake before and after the roots so we wouldn’t go haywire. It was steep therefore it was hard to go up and down so we used our gears and brakes. There was plenty of midges which didn’t really help along the way.

In the afternoon, we went on the dry ski slope to do snowboarding. Craig, our snowboarding instructor, helped us get started and we learnt new skills. We learnt how to fasten our binds to our boots, balance on the board while going down the slope and to push and move on the board. We had to glide and slide. It was hard to go up the slopes and at first, it was difficult to control your balance but snowboarding was enjoyable once you got the hang of it! It was a challenge to gain speed but you had to push. Going down was easy. We had lots of fun. It was a good last day with Scrutts.

Group 6

We started our last day at Lagganlia with another tasty breakfast and then we had to get geared up for canoeing. We had to wear fleecy dungarees and a fleecy jumper, waterproofs on top, wellies on our feet, a buoyancy aid and a helmet. It was very important to help each other fasten our buoyancy aids nice and tight.
When we arrived at the river Stewart instructed us how to hold the paddle and use it to move in different directions. He also showed us what some signals meant so that the instructors could communicate with us when we were on the river. We then put our canoes into the water and set off. Our first task was to paddle across the river to the opposite bank, which turned out to be not as easy as it sounds! We soon learned that when you are paddling a canoe with people you don’t know very well, you have to trust each other so you don’t tip the canoe over and so you don’t run into rocks, a tree or the river banks.    
After a bit of canoeing we stopped and ate our lunch on the river bank and we made sure we left the area exactly as we found it. Finlay suggested we put our apple cores and orange peels in our empty roll bags. Back in the water we found steering a canoe was quite hard at first but then after a while we got the hang of it and it was ok. It was raining before and after lunch so we got quite wet, but it was really peaceful on the river…until the rapids! We were on the river with group 1 and so Chris was also instructing and helping us. When Sophie, Zak and Miss MacMillan got stuck on a rock across the rapids both Chris and Martin came to the rescue. We had to stop a few times to keep the groups together. We also had to stop once when some people from the other group capsized and Martin went back to help them. I think Megan, Ellen and Alannah got a huge fright, but thankfully their buoyancy aids saved them and they survived to tell the tale!
Finally we came under the bridge at Boat of Garten on the River Spey and pulled in to the side of the bank. We also had to empty the water out of the canoes and carry them up the bank to put them back in the canoe rack. The slope was very muddy and slippy to get up but everyone worked well as a team. After a long, wet day on the river we went back the centre for tea. Before we put our waterproofs in the drying room we said thank you and goodbye to Martin, our instructor. He was great and we learned so much. For tea we had  burgers or fish and chips and then chocolate birthday cake for pudding because today is both Ellen and Gemma’s 12th birthday.
So our last day at Lagganlia was a real adventure. We improved our canoeing skills and learned to work better as a team. We’ve had a great time here and can’t believe we’re going home tomorrow because the week has gone really fast. Today was tiring and very wet but it was fun, so we’re all exhausted but in a good way. Let’s hope we sleep all the way home on the bus tomorrow!

And now some words from group 6 to sum up today ;
Finlay – It was really challenging because we had to steer the canoe from side to side without it tipping over and crashing into the sides.
Harvey – Today was about endurance because I felt we had to go a long way without giving up.
Zak – It was exciting because we never really knew what was going to happen next.
Kris – It was tough as we had to keep paddling non-stop or you would just drift off.
Angela – My word is sore. Today was tiring because when you’re rowing your arms get really sore.
Sophie – It was nerve-wracking because we got stuck on a rock and we didn’t know if it would happen again. We had to work as a team and we got out of it.
Kiera – We had to go really carefully at the rapids because we had to make sure we didn’t tip over and at the same time not go to the edge.
Ilona – I felt it was tiring as we had to use our arms the whole time to steer away from rocks and stop bashing into the banks.
Libby – It was very fun and very knackering as we had to use our arms the whole time and concentrate a lot so as not to tip over.
Brooke – As we were going down the river we experienced some parts which were more choppy than others. I felt like the canoe was going to capsize. I was relieved nobody did but some of the other group did.

And finally group 6 would like to thank all the instructors and staff at Lagganlia for working so hard to give them such an enjoyable and memorable week. WE LOVE LAGGANLIA!!!

Ready for bed! Early start tomorrow. See you all in Stromness at 2.45pm.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Wet Wednesday

Here we are already half way through, our second big day and still one to go.  How much fun can you have in the rain.  Please read on to find out...

Group 1
This morning we woke up to a delicious breakfast of lorne sausage in a roll.  Some people thought it COULD NOT be a sausage because it was FLAT!  We met Kris (our friendly, true myth and legend instructor who wears a beanie hat under every helmet).  He explained we were going to go gorge walking and cycling.  It has to be noted now – it was raining.  Off we set to the ‘chaos store’ to get equipment: waterproofs, woolly bears, boots and helmets.  We got on the old mini bus but had to get off again and get into another one!  While we drove we sang theme tunes to TV shows and films – Star Wars was the favourite.  We walked to the gorge, practised some safety signals and how to link up to make sure we did not head off down the river! (Don’t worry we were fine).  The gorge was cold, dangerous, freezing, slippy, amazing, funny, scary, sub-zero and really loud!  When we got back Mrs Coltherd thought she had ‘lost’ all the photos but they were fine.
F-A-S-T  F-O-R-W-A-R-D

Next was cycling – we got our gear and practised (some of us had some peedie collisions before we set off). We cycled up hills , down hills to Feshiebridge and through the forest. There was loads of DEEP, DEEP, DEEP, DEEP puddles but it was loads of fun and super safe ;-) We got a rice krispie treat – then all too soon it was tea time. Yummy macaroni, lentil soup, stew and dumplings. We look forward to our last day of adventure. 

Group 2
Some of the group tried the square sausage for the first time this morning.  Opinion was divided. 
Today we went mountain biking and it was super fun.  We got to splash in massive puddles – it went over us.  Elsie Mae was particularly wet after she splashed in almost every puddle she could see (eat your heart out Peppa Pig). Our bags are all now very muddy and we have filled the drying room.

In the afternoon we went snowboarding with group 6.  A couple were nervous before but found it wasn’t scary.  It was fun and exciting but hard to turn.  It was a first time experience for everyone in the group.  One of the first things we learned was how to fall.  We also learned it was important to pay attention.  Millar was particularly good at controlling his speed.  It rained and poured the whole time but we didn’t really notice as we were wearing waterproofs and having fun. 

Millar – my favourite activity so far was snowboarding. / Gemma – There was a lot of laughing in our room but we got a better sleep as we were all really tired. / Kuba – The food is tasty and delicious and the ice lollies are very good.  / Erin – I thought the snowboarding was good and we got a good night’s sleep.  / Elsie Mae – I really enjoyed getting soaked in all the puddles. / Gerry – I really liked the views I saw on the mountain biking. / Heddle – I liked the tray bake from the mountain biking.  It was really good.  Makayla – I really enjoyed the snowboarding. / Chloe – I really enjoyed the snowboarding because you could have a new experience and it was really exciting. 

Group 3
On Tuesday we did a scavenger hunt in Prawn Crackers (Shannon, Kayla, Jamsie, Ruby, Iestyn) came second and we had to run about the centre to find answers to questions about Lagganlia.

Today after breakfast and room inspection we met up with Stewart who told us that we were going snowboarding.  We got kitted up and went to the ski slope where he taught us how to hop and walk with the board attached.  We then practised snowboarding going down the small slope then the big slope.  We did it with one foot in the binding and then two feet we all found it great.  Here are some of our quotes…
Xander Found it fun / Jamsie It was exciting / Murray It was fantastic / Iestyn It was excellent / Ruby It was bricktastic / Kayla Fabulous and wet / Shannon It was amazing / Shayna It was tricky / Rhiannon Once in a life time experience / Becca The Best!

Gorge walking – In the afternoon, we went gorge walking.  We had to put on special teddy bear suits and water proofs and a helmet.  We drove then we walked to the gorge.  The water was fast and we went to a Practice place to find our feet.  We then went up the hard route but we had to miss some bits because it was too dangerous.  We all got wet and had fun, it was an exciting – here are some quotes…
Becca The water was really fast / Rhiannon It was tricky at some point but fun in others. / Shayna It was hard, scary, wet and cold. / Shannon It was squelchy, wet and fabulous. / Kayla It was disappointing because we could not jump in the pool. / Ruby It was slippy and we feel over a lot. / Iestyn It was rocky in parts. / Murray Thought it was waterastic. / Jamsie I like having a shower in the waterfall. / Xander Found it hard because water got in my glasses!

Group 4
A wet Wednesday - much rain during the day but for us group 4 we didn’t really notice.  We had another fun packed day which ended as it did yesterday, truly, truly drenched.
Fiona, our fabulous instructor, thinks we are really hardy and quite fishy as we come alive near water - just in our element.  We chose some words that bet best describe our day....
Fantabulous I really had time to enjoy each of our activities it was really fun it was a good day. 
 Extravangza because we had so many opportunities to do a variety of things to do like during kayaking trying to stand on the kayak, got to swim around in the water and go in the island. In abseiling going down was scarier looking down then actually going down but it was really good. 
Tipping best describes our day - you were falling over a lot in the water and tipping the boats in kayaking. We were also slipping a lot in the abseiling because it was wet.  
Wet, the whole day it was raining but in abseiling you didn’t feel it because the trees were sheltering us but the ground was slippy. For the kayak it was wet and some were falling in the water and we got to play lots of games.

Proud I didn’t want to do it at first but Alex persuaded him to do it and I was told I would get 50 steps up the learning ladder too.
Awesome is another word for fun as it was great jumping in the water.
Different because I had never done either of my activities ever before.
Muddy as there was lots and lots of mud at the bottom of the kayak pond and we got stuck quite often.
Games we played games at the kayaking. Played zombie and shark attack, steal the duck game.  There were challenges where you had the rub your nose on the end of the kayak. There were 5 stars challenges: 1 have your legs out of the boat, 2 get your bum out on the top of the boat, 3 lie on top of your kayak in superman’s position 4 stand up tall as a tree and 5 jump up and down.
We experienced lots of feelings today: excited, scared, cold, petrified, lonely, grateful, inpatient , proud, happy, stressed, included.  Today it was all about teamwork and helping each other.  All in all another super day for a super team. The team part is important because we are just that a good team. What a lovely bunch of 🐟 we saw in the pond today - best Orkney kind!

Group 5

Today we went on a Mountain Walk and it was really tiring. On the way we found tadpoles and newts. We all got really cold and tired. Then we had lunch at the top of the hill. We were in a bothy bag to keep warm! We had our cake and on the way back from the hill walk we rolled down the hill. Most of us fell, if not all of us! After rolling, we all felt sick and dizzy but we started galloping down the hill! We came back to the centre, had a group chat and got ready to go abseiling!

Some people found the abseil hard while some found it easy! It was quite a challenge to go down the rock face at the start but once you got the hang of it, it was really easy. You just had to deal with it, you couldn’t really stop once you were halfway down, you just had to keep going! It was really fun in the end and we had a great day.

Some quotes from today:
Anja – “The Mountain was high.”
Millie – “It was exhausting having to walk up to the top.”
Phoebe – “I was nervous to do the abseiling.”
Peyton – “It was tiring, walking up the hill.”
David – “Abseiling - When you looked up at the small cliff face , it looked fine, but then when you got to the top and looked down, it was nerve-wracking!”
Danny – “The last part of the hill walk was overwhelming.”
Robbie – “Today was exciting. Walking up the hill was enjoyable and the abseil was good fun.”
Finlay – “We were explorers - finding the newts, tadpoles and ants. We were adventurers – reaching the top and rolling down.”
Adam – “It was super cold on top of the mountain.”

Group 6
Today we woke up to a delicious breakfast Lorne sausages in a roll. Martin, Fiona and Chris then carried out the room inspections.  Harvey, Brooke and Ilona’s rooms all got 10 out of 10, but Libby’s room scored an outstanding 10 plus…Go Libby! Then we got kitted out in the storeroom to go abseiling.  We did a short drive to the woods in the minibus.  At the woods our group took the harder route to the rocks.  When we got there we were also allowed to build shelters while we waited on our turn to abseil.  At the top of the rockface, we were harnessed in and there were 2 ropes – one to be lowered down and a safety rope.  Martin had explained the technique.  We had to keep our legs apart, feet flat against the rocks and walk down the rock feeding the rope through.  We all managed to do it but had a few slips as the wet moss was slippy. A couple of us realised that if we were to abseil again, we’d need shoes with good grip.
On the way back to the minibus Martin, our instructor, showed us some edible plants which were growing in the forest. Plants have been used as medicine for a long, long time. We all tasted some wood sorrel. Martin explained that wood sorrel helps with digestion – so you shouldn’t eat too much!! We also ate a few leaves from the rowan tree. When we chewed them they tasted like almonds and marzipan. We learned that rowan berries can be made into a jelly which can be eaten with roasted meats.

After lunch today we needed to get kitted out yet again.  First we got gloves from the store and then headed to the ski store to get boots, helmets and snowboards.  Rafa explained how to get our boots on properly as there were three different types.  It was important that our boots were fitted correctly or it would be dangerous and we could hurt ourselves.  We were on the dry ski slope for quite a while and it was raining most of the time but we all enjoyed it.  At first we practised falling on our forearms and knees, backwards then forwards. Then we followed Martin in a circuit to practise moving and climbing with the snowboard. After that we practised slowing down and gradually we were able to progress to go down the slope faster.  The more we did it the more confident we got and the more we enjoyed it.  We agreed that we would all happily do it again!

Angela – abseiling is scary as you’re just held on by two ropes / Harvey - Although I was nervous I thought today’s activities were exciting.  / Brooke – It was extraordinary because it’s not something you do all the time. / Libby – Today’s activities were really cool and I enjoyed them lots. / Ilona – They were fantastic because these were things I don’t usually do.  / Sophie – I wasn’t expecting to do the things we did, so it was really surprising and memorable. / Finlay – For the abseiling, up on top it looks scary but afterwards when you’ve done it you feel victorious.  / Kris – When we were snowboarding, it was really cold so your hands were freezing. / Keira – Most of the activities today were extremely tiring.

Goodnight everyone, it is 12.25am on Thursday morning - hope you will enjoy reading all about Wednesday - apologies for late post, wifi a peedie bit slow, a bit like the adults!

Tuesday 4 June 2019

What a Tuesday!

We had an action-packed Tuesday full of sunshine and showers. It was quite hot at times.
Here's what we've been up to.

Group 1 
In the morning we were all very excited. We had a good breakfast, room inspection and met the instructor. He told us what we were going to be doing for the day. The activities were going to be rock climbing, abseiling and skiing. We had to get ready – we needed waterproofs, helmets, ropes, harness and carabinas. We climbed in Inshriach Forest. It was exhausting, nerve-wracking but kind of wonderful too. We all did BRILLIANTLY. We had four goes altogether – 2 abseils, 2 climbs.
Next we had lunch and struggled to open our cheese and crackers – that was a learning experience we will remember forever.
After lunch we had to get our waterproofs back on and get measured for skis and boots. We attempted to get to the dry ski slopes in our ski boots – it took ages. Then we shuffled up the ski slope on the side of our skis - and all of us fell over – repeatedly! But then we all got the hang of it – eventually. Someone EVEN went backwards. Having a great time so far.

Group 2

It’s been an amazing first day at Lagganlia. In the morning Group 2 went on the gorge walk which was wet, fun, scary and FUN! We got to slide down waterfalls, stand under waterfalls and jump in big pools of water. We were drenched head to toe and out wellies were full to the brim with water. We were cold and wet when we got out, but we got a hot shower when we got back to the centre. Some in the group would love to do it again, while others think once was enough. When we got back to the lodge our instructor Rafa hosed us down because were so mucky and gave us a Lagganlia special – a hose down the back of our coats. We ate our large packed lunch in the centre. There were crisps, rolls, cheese, crackers and fruit.
In the afternoon we went rock climbing and abseiling. When we first got to the rocks we felt scared and nervous. We found the climbing less scary than the abseiling. We felt proud and relieved that we managed. We were very proud that everyone was willing to try all the activities.
For tea we had pasta bolognaise or tomato pasta with salad. It was excellent and we ate lots. Pudding was a rocket lolly.
 A final thought from some of our group members:
Kuba – the day has been fantastic.
Makayla – the day has been very good.
Elsie Mae – I enjoyed getting soaked on the gorge walk and the abseiling was quite easy.
Chloe – I hope tomorrow is as good as today.
Erin – Everybody enjoyed it.
Gemma – I enjoyed sliding in the gorge and abseiling.
Heddle – An adventure.
Gerry – It was very wet. We were very proud that everyone was willing to try all the activities.

Group 3
We woke up early and had our breakfast. After breakfast we had room inspections, then we met our instructor who told us we were going canoeing. We got our equipment,  bouncy aid and paddles. After we got our equipment we took the minibus and went to Loch Insh. When we got there we got the canoes into the water. Once we had the boats in the water we had three tasks to try out : going in a straight line, zig zagging and a 360 degree turn. The wind made it hard to control the canoe, but we all made it down the River Spey and back up. We then put the canoes back and returned to camp for lunch.
After free time we met up with our instructor Stewart. He told us we were going mountain biking. Then we had to do break tests down a steep hill. We had to limbo under a log. Xander and Becca tied in first place. Then we went to the Feshie area across different trails. Some trails were much easier than others. On the hard trails through the forest a few people fell over. There were big hills and it was hard at times, but easy going down hill. We had a break at the River Feshie and had tray-bakes, then we headed back. When we got back we put away our equipment and washed the bikes then got ready for tea. 

Group 4
First full day for group 4 was mountain biking in the morning and the glorious gorge in the afternoon. We chose words to describe our day. Please read on.
Some views were spectacular with loads and loads of trees in a gap made the view appear which made us stop and look. It was exciting going down the hills in biking but not up! The gorge was exciting too doing lots of jumping in, getting wet, sliding down. Cycling was fun, full of challenging hills. The gorge was fun being in the water going down slopes. Views were fabulous – both at the gorge and the biking with trees and mountains everywhere. Warm – we made up a joke on the way back from the freezing gorge in the bus but trying to convince others to believe for us the gorge was so warm! Interesting – I didn’t expect cycling to be so good. Cycling was brilliant – not done this before in these conditions with all the trees around. In free time, after our warm showers, J’s ‘teaching’ was amazing.
The whole day was extraordinary – views, doing different things some of us have never done before; jumping in freezing cold water, standing under a waterfall, sliding down smooth rocks into deep pools of water, never having seen a newt, and a new kind of biking never experienced before. 

Group 5 – Mr Peace’s Group
First, we went on a Gorge Walk. It was cold and wet but exciting at the same time! When you saw the slides and waterfalls, it was quite intimidating. When you went down the slides it gave you an adrenaline rush. When you hit the water, it gave you a shock! Some of us tried to grasp the rope but some people missed and thought they were going to drown! When you jumped in the hole your wet suit got inflated! It was really deep and cold.
After lunch our group went canoeing. When we got to the shore, the canoes were ready but hard to push in. At the start, it was hard to get our canoes going but when we got the hang of it, it was calm and relaxing. We saw an Osprey nest which meant we had to paddle slowly and smoothly. The canoes glided through the water. Then we had some cake (tray bake) and we met a spider that we named ‘Bob’! We had an intense game of battleships on our canoes. Before going back to Lagganlia, we headed back around the other side of the island. There were people taking photos. The male Osprey flew over us. It was thrilling. At the end of canoeing, we had to heave the canoes on to the trailer. We’re tired but had a fun day!

Group 6
Today at Lagganlia Group 6 had an amazing day. In the  morning we set off with our instructor Martin and had an adventurous time gorge walking. We overcame challenges, climbed the gorge and plunged several times into deep pools. We all got completely soaked. It was cold and tiring but awesome!
After lunch back at the centre, we went mountain biking and followed a trail through the woods from Feshiebridge. Some of us found this activity tougher than others and a few of us definitely learned some new biking skills. It was a long trail but a memorable one. We especially enjoyed going fast downhill. Martin gave us a tasty tray-bake midway through the afternoon to give us an energy boost. Unfortunately Brooke had a peedie accident on a sharp bend coming down hill and hurt her knee, but she powered on bravely. We all agreed that, all in all, our first full day at Lagganlia was thrilling!

Monday 3 June 2019

First Day - Long?

Hello everyone here we are safe and sound at the end of our first day.  A day full of travelling.  Here are some words that best describe our day...

unexpected, interesting, good, fan dabbydozy, fun, exciting, confusing, amazeable , extraordinary, tiring, rocky, sad, different, alright, adventurous, informative, decent, long, windy, moutainous, busy, buzzing, amazing, exhausting, hectic, travelling, worried and surprising!

Group 1
Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Lagganlia Review Night

Click on the link below for 4 more videos